Pride in Performance Starts Here.
History plays a vital role in many company foundations, and few remember those “heady days” of 1981, when domestic rig counts hit over 4,500 operational units. It was in this environment that Trent Latshaw built his first two new SCR powered rigs which went immediately to work. Like many, the ensuing depressed energy price years that extended through 2000, provided a great test of who could be creative enough to survive. Those years were spent in acquisition and sales of the myriad of drilling equipment that became available through liquidations. It was not until 2003, when the industry had finally worked through the surplus of equipment, that Latshaw Drilling resumed its drilling operations.
Passion and Leadership.
Trent set in motion his passion for the outdoors, in wildlife management and set course for Alaska in 1971. This was just a few years past the prolific discovery well at Prudhoe Bay. The pickings were slim for real work in his cherished outdoor environments and so he, like many young men, chose the intriguing life which exploration could bring. By age 20 Trent was roughnecking summers offshore in the Cook Inlet and, after completing his Petroleum Engineering Degree at Texas A&M, he joined Parker Drilling Company, working his way through the rig levels required to become an assistant driller. Later work for ARCO Alaska as a drilling engineer and drilling foreman lead Trent to his life’s goal of building his own drilling company.
One key element is that failure was experienced as a true learning curve, and taken to heart as what not to do as his journey unfolded ahead. In today’s rapidly changing market environments, those past lessons have created a reserve of knowledge and emphasis on how important good people are to an organization. The management team we have in place, is our foundation for the future.
Direction and Determination.
The core philosophies and belief systems, which our company strives to deliver are all designed to keep our country on track to someday be energy independent. All are witness to the progress that technical advances have made and the resulting energy production we, as the United States of America can achieve. Latshaw Drilling is committed to that mission.
As demand resurged in 2005, we were fortunate to have customers willing to provide extended work contracts, which in turn allowed new SCR rig construction to expand. From that time we have focused on providing excellent equipment, meeting the new requirements of high capacity top drives, mud pumps and the next generation of AC Rigs. In October of 2012, Latshaw acquired the assets of Keen Energy, based in Stillwater, Oklahoma, which allowed our company to become one of the largest privately held drilling contractors in the USA.
With a fleet of 41 rigs, including the newest NOV designed AC Ideal Rigs, Latshaw Drilling is positioned to meet our customers’ requirements now and for the foreseeable future.
All of this capability derives its real strength from our people and our many loyal customers; the men and women who work hard every day to bring America closer to energy independence.
We extend a sincere thank you.