Who says the drilling business is boring? It is reminiscent of the Oklahoma and Texas weather recently experienced, from frozen derricks and pump jacks, to 70-degree sunshine and blue skies.
Looking back to just mid-year 2014, the industry was still on a building spree, trying to meet operator demand for increased horizontal resource development. Today, just six months later, with oil prices trying to find a base line, everyone is retrenching for the new normal.
In the bombardment of varied opinions we all read daily, the only certainty is staying focused on the daily mission. Recently Trent Latshaw reinforced how important it is to stay focused.
“You and I can’t control oil prices or our customers’ decisions on what their rig count is going to be. But we can control what our performance is going to be and do our best to insure that we are the last man standing as they lay down rigs. Its easy to get into a funk in today’s market environment, but instead of crying in our beer, or having a pity party, we need to rise to the occasion and do our very best to perform and give our customer the best we can.”
Having good leadership at both the ownership and operations level has been a hallmark of Latshaw Drilling’s steady growth. That same hallmark is what guides us as markets change. Staying on the mission of excelling at our work, drilling for the resources that power America, is what we achieve on a daily basis.